沃尔玛公司由美国零售业的传奇人物山姆 • 沃尔顿先生于1962年在阿肯色州成立。经过近四十九年的发展,沃尔玛公司已经成为世界最大的私人雇主和连锁零售商,多次荣登《财富》杂志世界500强榜首及当选最具价值品牌。
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was founded by American retail legend Mr. Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962. For 49 years, the company has served customers and is now the world’s largest private employer and retailer, on the top of the Fortune 500 list. Walmart is among the most recognized global brands. .
目前,沃尔玛在全球28个国家开设了9,700家商场,下设69个品牌,全球员工总数210多万人,每周光临沃尔玛的顾客2亿人次。2011财政年度(2010年2月1日至2011年1月31日)销售额达4190亿美元,比2010财年增长3.4%。2011财年,沃尔玛公司和沃尔玛基金会慈善捐赠资金累计3.19 亿美元、物资累计超过4.8亿美元。2010年,沃尔玛公司再次荣登《财富》世界500强榜首,并在《财富》杂志“2010年最受赞赏企业”调查的零售企业中排名第一。
Today, with over 2.1 million associates worldwide, Walmart operates 9,700 units in 28 countries under 69 different banners, and serves more than 200 million customers per week. Walmart recorded $419 billion in annual net sales in fiscal year 2011 (FYE10, Feb. 1, 2010 to Jan. 31, 2011), an increase of 3.4 percent over fiscal 2010. Walmart and the Walmart Foundation announced $319 million in cash and $480 million in in-kind contributions around the globe during the fiscal year 2011. In 2010, Walmart regained the seat at the top of the Fortune 500, and ranked first among retailers in Fortune Magazine’s 2010 Most Admired Companies survey.
与在世界其它地方一样,沃尔玛在中国始终坚持 “尊重个人、服务顾客、追求卓越”的核心价值观,专注于开好每一家店,服务好每一位顾客,履行公司的核心使命 —— “帮助顾客省钱,让他们生活得更美好”,以不断地为我们的顾客、会员和员工创造非凡。
In China, as elsewhere, we follow the three core &#118alues of respect for the individual, service to the customer, and striving for excellence, and stick to the Walmart tradition of building our business one store and one customer at a time, so as to fulfill our core mission — save people money, so they can live better, and continue to make a difference in the lives of our customers, members and associates.
About Walmart China
Walmart entered the Chinese market and opened its first Supercenter and Sam’s Club in Shenzhen in 1996. Currently, Walmart operates a number of formats and banners in China including Supercenters, Sam’s Clubs, and Neighborhood Markets. As of Sep 2, 2011, Walmart had 350 units in 129 cities, and created about 95,000 job opportunities across China.
沃尔玛在中国的经营始终坚持本地采购,目前,沃尔玛中国与近2万家供应商建立了合作关系,销售的产品中本地产品超过95%;同时,沃尔玛中国注重人才本土化,鼓励人才多元化,特别是培养和发展女性员工及管理层。目前沃尔玛中国超过99.9%的员工来自中国本土,商场总经理100%由中国本土人才担任,女性员工占比超过60%,管理团队约40%为女性。 2009年公司成立了“沃尔玛中国女性领导力发展委员会”,以加速推动女性的职业发展。
Walmart China firmly believes in local sourcing. We have established partnerships with nearly 20,000 suppliers in China. Over 95% of the merchandise in our stores in China is sourced locally. In addition, Walmart is committed to local talent development and diversity, especially the cultivation and full utilization of female staff and Executives. 99.9% of Walmart China associates are Chinese nationals. All our stores in China are managed by local Chinese. Furthermore, over 60 percent of Walmart China associates are female and about 40% of those are at management level. In 2009, the company established the “Walmart China Women’s Leadership Development Commission” for driving women’s career development.
About Walmart China’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program
Walmart China is committed to being a good corporate citizen and has organized CSR efforts in five categories: environmental protection, community involvement, child welfare, educational support, and disaster relief. We have donated funds and in-kind support worth about RMB65 million to local charities and welfare organizations since entering the China market. Moreover, Walmart China associates have dedicated 200, 000 hours to these activities. In 2011, our CSR initiatives mainly focus on: Women Empowerment, Nutrition, Health & Wellness, Sustainability, Education, and Disaster Relief.
Some of our recent CSR events are as below:
1. 2011年7月5日,在玉树地震发生一周年之后,沃尔玛中国公司、沃尔玛中国全体员工以及沃尔玛全国100多家门店设立的捐赠箱所捐赠的763,500多元全部用于玉树地震灾区学校“沃尔玛爱心图书室”的营造,包括玉树重灾区的9所学校兴建爱心图书室。沃尔玛共为这些学校配备密集型书架317个、阅览桌椅208套,可存放图书37.46万本。
On July 5, 2011, One year after the earthquake hit Yushu in Qinghai Province, more than RMB760,000 donated by Walmart was used to build "Walmart Love Libraries" in nine schools in the hardest hit areas of Yushu, and equip the libraries with a total of 317 intensive book shelves, which can store 374,600 books, and 208 sets of reading tables and chairs.
2. 2011年4月,针对部分地区农民卖菜难的情况,沃尔玛中国配合商务部及各地政府,在北京签署“农超对接救助‘卖难’菜农”行动倡议书,在河南、山西、广东、浙江、辽宁等省市进行蔬果直采,并以较低的“爱心价”在全国各地商场陆续推出“爱心蔬菜”,帮助农民朋友解决燃眉之急,同时让顾客买到放心的便宜菜。
Since entering the spring, vegetable farmers in many area of China, including Henan, Shanxi, Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Liaoning, suffered from unmarketable vegetable. In answering the call of the Ministry of Commerce and local governments, Walmart signed a proposal in Beijing on helping farmers sell unmarketable vegetables through “Direct Farm” activity. The company has been purchasing vegetables and fruits from the suffered farmers and selling them at fair price in its store outlets across China, which help tide the farmers over a period of difficulty while ensuring that customers get safe and affordable produce.
3. 2011年4月1日,沃尔玛中国在北京、深圳、上海、西安、武汉、厦门六个城市同时启动为期一个月的“沃尔玛地球月”活动。本次活动以“无拘无‘塑’,‘袋’动环保”为主题,在全国210多家沃尔玛购物广场举行,号召社会各界努力减少塑料袋的使用,并在部分环保低碳试点城市的沃尔玛商场重点鼓励多使用环保袋。同时延续响应世界自然基金会“地球一小时”活动,在全国商场非高峰时段关闭店内1/3的照明。该活动帮助商场和社区节约用电近50万千瓦时。活动共影响到沃尔玛全国约10万名员工及家属,110多个城市的820万名顾客。
On April 1, 2011, Walmart China launched its nationwide sustainability campaign themed “2011 Walmart Earth Month”, in six Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Xi’an, Wuhan and Xiamen. With the theme “Go green with no plastic bags,the campaign was held in more than 210 Walmart supercenters across China, calling on people from different walks of life to reduce the use of plastic bags, and encourages the use of reusable bags in some pilot cities. We also turned off one third of the lighting in the stores during off-peak hours in continuous response to WWF’s Earth Hour program. The campaign helps our stores and neighboring communities save 500,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Around 8.2 million customers in over 110 cities, 100 thousand Walmart associates and their families were actively involved in this campaign.
4. 2011年3月15日,沃尔玛公司宣布向日本地震及海啸灾区捐赠首笔现金及物资,共计500万美元。与此同时,沃尔玛全球各地的机构都在计划或已经开始在员工和顾客中发起赈灾募捐行动。”目前,沃尔玛还为日本灾区筹集物资共95吨,这些物资将由沃尔玛中国运往日本。沃尔玛中国总部工会紧急筹集了10万元人民币善款;沃尔玛中国目前正在全国范围内展开为日本灾区募捐的爱心行动。
March 15, 2010, Walmart announced an initial commitment of $5 million in cash and in-kind donations for emergency relief efforts in response to the tragic earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan and was also mounting a full scale operation to get additional relief supplies into Japan. The supplies will be sent from China. Walmart China union donated RMB 100,000. Walmart China has also started donation in HO and operation units. The raised fund will be used to help Walmart Japan associates in the affected area.
5. 2010年10月21日,沃尔玛中国与中国妇女发展基金会签署谅解备忘录:沃尔玛公司捐赠100万元人民币,作为启动资金建立“沃尔玛妇女发展基金”,并用这笔资金捐赠妇女发展基金会“母亲小额循环项目”。此项目目前已全面落实,共惠及近1300位村民,其中有310位为妇女,使她们人均获资助3065元。这笔资金将用于其开展养殖、种植等农业发展项目。
October 21, 2010, Walmart and the China Women’s Development Foundation signed an MOU that included a Walmart 1 million RMB as seed funding for the “Walmart Women’s Development Fund.” The fund will finance the “Revolving Fund on Poverty Alleviation Program for Mothers” led by the China Women’s Development Foundation. This project is now in full swing and has benefited about 1,300 villagers including 310 women, each of whom received 3,065 yuan as initial funding to start a variety of plantation and cultivation projects.
6. 2010年8月12日,沃尔玛中国及沃尔玛中国总部工会代表沃尔玛中国全体员工宣布通过中国扶贫基金会向甘肃省甘南藏族自治州舟曲县遭受特大泥石流灾害灾区捐款15万元人民币,帮助受灾民众抗灾自救。
On August 12, on behalf of all Walmart China employees, Walmart China and the trade union of the Walmart China Head Office announced the donation of RMB 150,000, via the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, to Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province, which was hit by a massive flow of mud and rock. This donation assisted the victims in dealing with the disaster and helping themselves.
7. 2010年6月份以来,沃尔玛全国各地商场向遭受洪涝灾害地区及时捐助物资金额累计超过37万元,参与救灾的沃尔玛员工共计600多人。
Walmart donated over RMB 370,000 to the flooded area since June. Over 600 Walmart China associates have dedicated to these relief activities.
8. 2010年5-8月,沃尔玛在全国范围内的各家商场及员工中发起和举办“争做环保小卫士,赢全家游世博”活动,鼓励顾客小朋友及员工子女树立环保意识。8 月25日,最终胜出的“环保小卫士”和他们的双亲或家属来到零碳馆接受颁奖,并邀请“小卫士”围绕各自的作品做“环保低碳”切身实践的精彩演讲。
During May to August 2010, Walmart China launched a campaign named “to be little environmental guardians, and win SH Expo tour” among customers and associate families, to raise customer and associate families’ consciousness about environmental protection. The award ceremony on final 9 winners was held at ZED Pavilion, SH Expo on August 25. All "Little Environmental Guaridians" was invited to present their works and shared their practice on a low-carbon lifestyle and environmental protection.